High, Lofty and Seated
Good Morning,
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Is. 6:1 (NIV)
This verse of Scripture sets the tone for something individual believers and the church in general, must capture (or perhaps, recapture), a high and lofty view of God. It not only gives us a view of God commensurate with who He truly is, but brings a wonderful, new perspective for all the He does. Let’s look at verse one more closely. There are a few key things worth pondering.
The first thing Isaiah notices in his vision is a God high and exalted. Some versions say high and lifted up or high and on a lofty throne. The idea is clearly a God who is above all else and all others. A God whose very being is beyond the feeble words we are left to describe Him with. He is truly ineffable, meaning incapable of being expressed or described in words.
The second thing that is interesting is the description of God’s posture. He is seated. Not pacing frantically back and forth trying to keep the universe from spinning out of control. Not overwhelmed or stressed but seated. I sometimes have described it as though God is seated on a throne with His feet up sipping a latte. Why does He assume this position? Because He can! He Himself set the world in place and then holds it together in his mighty hand.
Thirdly we read that the train of his robe filled the temple. The train of a robe is an important part that indicates a person of honor. The longer and more elaborate the more important the person and occasion. You have undoubtedly seen a robe on a bride’s dress sometimes being over 3 feet long. The robe Queen Elizabeth II wore at her crowning trailed 21 feet! But far beyond that is the train of God’s robe which fills the entire temple. Back and forth, covering every inch of the floor! He is due honor far above all else. Nothing and no one comes close.
That is our God. Beyond comprehension and defying all attempts to fully grasp. Yet as we will see in the coming weeks, He is more than that. He is both holy and compassionate.
Read the words above again and become fearfully and wonderfully awed by God – the High and Lofty One!
Question to ponder this week:
1. In what ways have you perhaps lost a high and lofty view of God?
2. How would recapturing it change your life and your worship?
Ron Klopfenstein, CPLC