Ways to Stay Connected

Good Morning,

Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

 There can be a tension that comes with trying to abide that makes us uncomfortable. A tension between doing the right things because we know we should do them and doing them because they are a vital part of staying connected and fueled.  Things like reading our bibles, worship and prayer are not simply meant to be part of an abiding “how to list”. Most definitely, those are good things. But if we aren’t careful, abiding goes from relationship driven to activity driven. Sort of, a “follow these steps and you will have success at abiding”.

 I am no expert on this subject. I too struggle with it. Yet in my mid-sixties I am still learning to abide. So, allow me to share some of what I am learning in the hopes that at least some of you find hope and encouragement in it.

First of all, remember that abiding is a two-way street. Notice these words from the verses above: Whoever abides in me and I in him. Abiding is not simply dependent on us doing just the right things in just the right way, the right number of times. That puts the onus for spiritual transformation on us not God. God longs to spend time with us. He too finds abiding with us a divinely special way to do life. He wants to fuel us and bring about His fruit through us. No fruit is possible without this intimate connection. He is relentlessly pursuing you out of love.

While spending time in Scripture is certainly important the point of it is more than accumulating knowledge. The point is to allow it to change us through the power of the Holy Spirit. So, it is less about how many days a week you have your devotions than how you interact with God when you do. What is God saying to me? What does this look like lived out in my life? Personalizing it and asking God to open our eyes to more of Him.  It is not a contest to see who reads their bible the most days or can quote the most scripture. The Pharisees did that and missed Jesus all together. Is God’s word transforming your relationship with Him and others?

Meet God in the everyday. Keep His presence in mind at the grocery, coffee shop, gym, and every other place you go. Take time to capture God moments whether they be in nature, quiet solitude, worship, or the beauty of a sunset. Stop, pause, look up and around you. He is everywhere always. His presence is inescapable.

Think outside the box. Abiding is not formulaic. God designed you uniquely and you will meet God in ways unique to you. For me it is on the back of a horse in the mountains. Or sitting on a rock and literally picturing Jesus sitting next to me talking to me. What would that look like for you? Stop comparing yourself to others and instead explore how you and God can connect.

Abiding is a way of life, not just an activity we do. It touches every moment and every breath.

Questions to ponder this week:

1.    What are some ways you can be more aware of God’s presence?

2.    To what degree have you forgotten that abiding is a two-way street?

Live on purpose, Ron Klopfenstein, CPLC


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