You Can’t Have Unity Without This…

Good Morning,

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Eph. 5:21

As we think about the call to unity, we need to start with a key premise for living the Christian life, “submission”. Submission is not a very popular word these days. In fact, submission has probably never been an overwhelmingly popular word. It runs counter to our sinful nature. For the Christ Follower it is critical to understand the importance of submission to our relationships and to the Kingdom. 

Submission is a misunderstood word. It is more than simply giving in to someone. Rather, it is an act of reverence for God. A recognition that He is worthy of our honor and our obedience. Submission is both an act of gratitude and a reflection of the life Christ demonstrated for us. It means not clinging to our rights and position at the expense of living in harmony with others.

In 1 Peter 2:13 we read, “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake…”. It goes on to talk about how we are to submit to those in authority over us including our government, our bosses, and to others (especially those in the body of Christ). It goes on to say that we do so because living this way represents Jesus. It is so powerful that it can silence critics of the Gospel, make the workplace atmosphere better, and enhance every human interaction with the flavor of Christ.  All this serves to bring glory to God and point people to Jesus.

Submission is made possible when God is on the throne of our life not us. It is fueled by a grateful heart for all the He has done for us and continues to do for us. Think about it. He does not treat us as our sins deserve nor love us in a manner we must earn. We cannot begin to count all the blessings our Father bestows upon us.

Submission is a result of living a life under the umbrella of “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else” (Matt. 6:33 NLT). It liberates us from always having to get our way, and from the contentiousness that comes with a relentless “me first” attitude. It frees us to live in unity with others, even if we don’t agree on everything.  

Imagine this picture: You wake up tomorrow morning and have breakfast with, drive in traffic with, work with, and do marriage and family with people who are all living in submission to Christ and in turn to others?  People who out of reverence for God, look first to the interests of others. Say goodbye to road rage, petty arguments, people who cut the line and who cut you off in conversations. Say goodbye to backstabbing coworkers, cheating, stealing, lying, and manipulating. What a wonderful world it would be to live in.

What role could you play in making this picture a reality? 

Question to Ponder this Week:

1)    What is the biggest hurdle keeping you from submitting to God and then to others?

Ronald L. Klopfenstein, CPLC


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